Compassionate Psychotherapy and Coaching
Stephanie Zone, Psy.D.
Heal and Thrive
Therapy is your space.
I strive to create a safe environment for you to explore your struggles and your strengths. Therapy can promote healing and help strengthen your ability to respond mindfully.
In therapy we collaborate to discover your strengths and values and create a life that feels authentic and vibrant.

My Experience
I love being a psychologist. It is my privilege to connect with people in their most honest and raw moments. I hold people’s pain with the utmost compassion and care. I hope the process of therapy helps you increase your compassion for yourself.
Since 2001, I have worked with individual adults and adolescents, couples, and families. I welcome clients with all types of concerns. I am especially experienced in treating people struggling with trauma, eating and body image issues, depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, life transitions, and relationship and parenting issues.
In addition to my work as a psychologist, I taught at the Wright Institute, City College of San Francisco, and other academic institutions. I instructed undergraduate and doctoral students, as well as developing classes and workshops for professionals. I consultant at Alta Mira Recovery Programs as an Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) provider.

"Compassion is not a relationship between the healer and the wounded.
It's a relationship between equals. Only when we know our own darkness well can we be present with the darkness of others. Compassion becomes real when we recognize our shared humanity."
Pema Chödron


Heal and Thrive
I believe people are inherently oriented to heal and grow. Sometimes on the healing journey we need support to navigate difficult transitions, especially if old traumas are clouding our current vision.
My role as a psychologist is to accompany you on your personal path. I use multiple therapeutic modalities including EMDR, Acceptance and Commitment therapy, Exposure with Response Prevention (ERP), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Mindfulness, and Mindful Self-Compassion to help people discover their values, set goals, and live with vitality.

Therapy for Individuals, Couples and Families
I offer a supportive, respectful, and collaborative environment for individual clients, couples, and families.
I support people with:
obsessive compulsive disorder
eating and body image concerns
relationship issues
life transitions
and many other issues
I have specialized training in working with all types of trauma, including recent traumas, complex trauma, and childhood trauma. I work with many clients who are in recovery from addiction. Therapy can be a powerful tool for healing from painful experiences and creating a vibrant and meaningful life.​

EMDR - Eye Movement Desentization & Reprocessing
I am certified in EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), a powerful psychotherapy to help people overcome trauma, change negative beliefs, and create positive change. I am trained in Attachment Focused EMDR, which specializes in helping people with developmental and childhood trauma, and Super Resourcing, a type of EMDR that reinforces positive beliefs, resilience, and peace.

Eating and Body Image Recovery
Even if you don’t remember it, there was a time when you delighted in your body. As an infant you excitedly discovered your feet and hands. You experienced the joys of touch, movement, and taste without any idea that your body was something that would one day be judged or that your body was supposed to look a certain way. That natural connection with our body as an avenue to joy is often lost as soon as we internalize judgments about how we are supposed to look, how we are supposed to eat, and how we are supposed to organize our emotions and behavior.

Covered in Mud
In Bangkok there was a very large clay statute of the Buddha. In 1955, while attempting to move the statute, a crack appeared on the mud surface. Through the crack, the gold underneath the mud was revealed. The statute was solid gold. Hundreds of years ago the statute was covered with mud to conceal its value. Over time the priceless true interior of the statute was forgotten.
The process of therapy often starts with a painful crack. It might be a life transition, an illness, or even a death. An essential part of therapy is honoring the pain. At the same time, there’s an opportunity in the crack to go beyond the surface mud. I believe therapy can help you not only survive the crack, but to also discover your gold, which might include your natural resilience and your natural warmth and tenderness.